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The foundation of the Montessori experience, the primary program, is for children in the important early formative years. Beginning with practical and social skills, children learn to keep track of their belongings, to put things away, to share materials. Academics are introduced through concrete, manipulative materials which utilize all five senses and lay the groundwork for abstract thinking.
Casa follows the Montessori philosophy of grouping together children 2½ to 6 years of age in a five day a week program.
Casa has two classrooms with 25 children of mixed ages in each classroom. Each classroom has an AMI trained directress and an assistant. There are two additional assistants available to make materials, take children to the bathroom and help out where needed.

Lessons are given to children individually, in small groups and to the class as a whole throughout the morning. The children may work in any area in which they have been given a lesson. They may work independently or with other children as their interest leads them or as they are directed.